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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » Ladder » Themenansicht

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07.10.2003, 13:42 Uhr
Pavel Kadera (pkadera[ät]

Hi guys,

Does any of you have a computer game called LADDER? I used to play in late 80`s on a Robotron computer. Thanks for your answers.
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10.10.2003, 13:34 Uhr
Dirk Törmer (Froschkoenig22[ät]

I think LADDER only runs at machines of "VEB Microelektronik Mühlhausen" - KC85/2, KC85/3 and KC85/4.
Maybe you can download that file and an emulator for PC at
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13.10.2003, 22:43 Uhr
Tom Claus (tom.claus[ät]

Sorry, but LADDER was also available for the ROBOTRON PC 1715. Very nice game...
May be I have it, but I have currently no chance to read my disks. But you can try the following Link:
It is listed as CP/M program. Perhaps it works for SCP (CP/M clone) also.
If you have success, give me a Info. Thanks.
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28.10.2003, 16:19 Uhr
ck (ck01[ät]


we used to play LADDER on K89xx systems too. It was an ASCii version. The player figure was a `p` or `q` depending on the direction or an `g` when you climb a ladder or jump... :-)

Does somebody know were I can download this game and a K89xx emulator?

As far as I remember there was also a version for PC 1715.

Some info`s about the KC version you can find here:

or you can download a bunch of games here:

Regards Carsten
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