01.08.2008, 19:13 Uhr
Yes, I'm using the 1920 Char. Display Card in conjunction with an 10" Monitor from an remote monitoring System.
The horizontal and vertical frequencies from the A5120 are almost identical to them from an CCIR TV Set, so you have to use an old NEC Multisync III or an TV Set to get a picture.
I don't think that you have bad CRT's in the A5120 Monitor, I think the Horizontal Output Transformer ist bad. Thats not a bad Desing, but tha long time stability of the HV Isolation used, wasn't known at the production time.
BTW: Do you have any Kind of Operating System Software for the K1630? We are urgently searching for an OS for the K1630 saved from the Thierbach Power Plant.
Holm -- float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v; {s=(c>1?(h=atoi(v[1])):h)*h/2;for(R=6./h;s%h||(y-=R,x=-2),s;4<(P=B*B)+ (r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&& (A=B=P=u=r=0,x+=R/2))A=B*2*A+y,B=P+x-r;} |