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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » MC 80.22 ROMs » Themenansicht

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14.03.2025, 19:47 Uhr

Hello Robotron folks,
some time ago I have bought MC80.22 with keyboard and K 0422 EPROM programmer.

I was able to dump all 19 2708s that it has inside (16 on 012-7040 and 3 on 012-7100).
[Note they have been read as 2716 so the content is doubbled.]

I have not tried to power on the computer but any of the ROMs seemed to be bad.

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15.03.2025, 11:48 Uhr
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I don't have a 80.22, but I checked the known checksums from the service documents, the differences can be errors, but also other versions


PROM target state | actual state
0.1  E022           E022
0.2  C684           D03F
0.3  9110           8203

1.1  45DD           45DD
1.2  53EC           53EC
1.3  FFA7           FFA7
1.4  61EC           61EC
1.5  1048           1048  marked as MC80_2000

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 15.03.2025 um 11:48 Uhr von DL editiert.
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15.03.2025, 11:52 Uhr
Avatar von Rüdiger

In my opinion copies of these EPROM's are still available.
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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15.03.2025, 14:28 Uhr

DL schrieb
the differences can be errors, but also other versions

Have you took only the half of my ROMs?
I do not have a 2708 reader so I read these as 2716. So the content is doubbled.
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15.03.2025, 15:05 Uhr

Rüdiger schrieb
In my opinion copies of these EPROM's are still available.

I don't know about copies, but I have found a listing of S0.1 to S0.3.
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15.03.2025, 15:50 Uhr
Avatar von Rüdiger


012_7100\S01.ROM              valid
012_7100\S02.ROM              unknown
012_7100\S03.ROM              valid
012_7040\MC80_2000.ROM        valid
012_7040\2800_Prog.ROM        unknown
012_7040\MC80_2000_S04.ROM    valid
012_7040\MC80_drucker.ROM     unknown
012_7040\S1_1.ROM             valid
012_7040\S1_2.ROM             valid
012_7040\S1_4.ROM             valid
012_7040\unmarked1.ROM        unknown
012_7040\unmarked2.ROM        valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_4000-A488.ROM valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_4400-EDCA.ROM valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_4800-75DD.ROM valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_4C00-7226.ROM valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_5000-77F7.ROM valid
012_7040\Z8-PAS_5400-630F.ROM valid

I don't see suspicious damages in your EPROM contents.

By the way: you provided the EPROM content in a bad way.
Without knowing its positions at the board it is not possible to align it at address room.

Why do you think the firmware is the reason of your MC80 damage?
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 15.03.2025 um 15:55 Uhr von Rüdiger editiert.
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15.03.2025, 16:29 Uhr

I do not know if the ROMs are any problem. I haven't powered on the machine yet. But I think the issue might be UHA78, that already burned down in my A5120 and K7222.25 or with the sRAM card (my MC80 came with K3523.00) that has some electrolyte corrosion on it. . When it comes to the ROMs, as I didn't found them online I just wanted to share

Now I found manual I can label the ROMs that does not have the address on them. For now I have used the name, or the marking on the ICs themself.

On the 012-7040 the ROMs that does not have address space marked:

2000: MC80_2000_S04
2400: MC80_drucker
2800: 2800_prog
2C00: MC80_2000
3000: S1_1
3400: S1_2
3800: S1_3
3C00: S1_4
4000: Z8_PAS
4400: Z8_PAS
4800: Z8_PAS
4C00: Z8_PAS
5000: Z8_PAS
5400: Z8_PAS
5800: unmarked1
5C00: unmarked2

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 15.03.2025 um 17:37 Uhr von RetroNora editiert.
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