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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » A5120 boot disk » Themenansicht

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31.03.2014, 15:01 Uhr

Können Sie mir senden Bootdisk image für A5120.
Ich versuche Reparatur meiner A5120, aber ich habe nicht diskette.
Mein A5120 hat K5600.10 Laufwerke (200K).

I trying repair my A5120, But I have not disks.
Could anybody send me images of boot disks?
My A5120 has K5600.10 drives (200K).
Thank you in advance,

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 31.03.2014 um 15:15 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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01.04.2014, 09:44 Uhr
Avatar von Rüdiger

I tried to send you a mail but your mail server bounced it because unavailability.

By the way: what you wrote about Germans and Robotron Software at is not true.
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 01.04.2014 um 13:38 Uhr von Rüdiger editiert.
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01.04.2014, 10:04 Uhr

Thank you very much for you answer.
I have sent you e-mail with my other e-mail addresses.

>wrote about Germans and Robotron Software
It is not hard to find many software for old soviet computers in the internet.
But very hard find anything for german old computer. For example, how many links you can provide for Robotron 1715 software in .de part of internet?
And I can't find images of original disks for EC1834. It is not rare computer, but software is very rare.
Many german admins wrote me "protected file, so we had to take them from the Internet" when I asked about bad links on the sites. And gave me files ;-)
May be it is a copyright problem?

Thank you in advance for A5120 boot disk images.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 01.04.2014 um 10:07 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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