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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » Kaypro and Epson disks on CPA on PC1715 » Themenansicht

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26.01.2014, 18:12 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

CPA is able to format floppies as [some]Kaypro and Epson. And it does.

What is it does not, is copying to those disks, leading to "No directory space" error.

What am I doing wrong?

[I need Kaypro and Epson because those formats can be read in Commodore 128D and also known by cpmtools]

UPD: and more. C=128 recognises that disks to be Epson formatted, but also says "No directory space".

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 26.01.2014 um 18:22 Uhr von dreadbit editiert.
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26.01.2014, 20:04 Uhr

Avatar von holm

The Format Programm and the Disk Parameters in the BIOS are two different things.
If you want those formats recognized from CP/A you must insert those formats in to the BIOS.


float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v;
(r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&&
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26.01.2014, 20:15 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

Yes, I understand that.
In my BIOP.MAC I have

format equ 1

and even

ibmfrm equ 1

Is not that enough?
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26.01.2014, 20:53 Uhr

Avatar von holm

IMHO ibmfrm means only that the Robotron SIOS format can be read. I have to dig again int the code to say what exactly todo.. don't know better at the moment, sorry.


float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v;
(r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&&
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29.01.2014, 18:15 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

More on this.

I've formatted Kaypro & Epson ("EPS1") disks on DOS with 22disk.
C=128 was able to read them both, but not CPA (says NO FILE for Epson disk)
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29.01.2014, 19:40 Uhr

Avatar von holm

What exactly displays CP/A as its version?
I've found this in BIOSDSK.MAC:

; Diskettentreiber; Umkleidung des phys. Transfers
; Version 27.04.88
; Aenderungen:
; - Jeder Fehler in Spur 0, Sektor 1 fuehrt zur Annahme von Systemspuren
; (A7100-System mit 5" FM und 8272-Hardware mit 128er Sektorlaenge)
; - !!Schnittstelle fuer diskio-Aufruf neu!! (Flags neu, side zusaetzlich)
; - Verify nach Schreiben kann laufwerksspezifisch gewaehlt werden
; - Laufwerkskapazitaet nach phys. LW-Nr in Statuszeile
; - Fehlerkorrektur bei KAYPRO IV fuer C128

Which means, that there are some new Patches for Kaypro disks in there.

There is always a difference between the physical format and the rest (directory structure for example, numer of entries and so on ..)


float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v;
(r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&&
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29.01.2014, 20:13 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

The same date (but in my case the file is called bioPdsk.mac (for PC1715))
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