04.12.2013, 21:56 Uhr
I don't meant a "real" overload, but more a partially short somewhere, you got it already right, look for such things and really check the Fuse F3 with its holder.
Nothing wrong with Russia, I have some friends there but unfortunately I forgot almost all of my school-Russian, and now try to write English, which I never had in the school..
You shouldn't look inside the monitor, just at the front of it. I'm trying to determine which Kind of Monitor you have, a MON2 or a MON3. The later one has a Philips Picture Tube which has a copper colored Metal tape around the screen which is visible from the outside. This one has western germany electronics inside and the philips tube. The MON 2 has electronics from the former GDR aka Robotron and when that one is smelling like vinegar, it is gone, almost forever since then the HV coil from the flyback transformer is gone. This is a big problem we have here with that sort of stuff.
Holm -- float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v; {s=(c>1?(h=atoi(v[1])):h)*h/2;for(R=6./h;s%h||(y-=R,x=-2),s;4<(P=B*B)+ (r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&& (A=B=P=u=r=0,x+=R/2))A=B*2*A+y,B=P+x-r;} Dieser Beitrag wurde am 04.12.2013 um 21:58 Uhr von holm editiert. |