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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » RAM 640 KB on Robotron EC 1834 » Themenansicht

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14.03.2010, 20:16 Uhr


I have problem - my EC 1834 detect only 256K RAM. I have connected also OPS memory card with 348K RAM, but is not detected, booting is reported only 256K.

Have anybody idea what is wrong? - I tried to modify DIP piano on mainboard without success...

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15.03.2010, 00:26 Uhr
Avatar von Rüdiger

pmd851 schrieb
I have problem - my EC 1834 detect only 256K RAM. I have connected also OPS memory card with 348K RAM, but is not detected, booting is reported only 256K.

Possibly the 348 KByte card is damaged.
Can you access any other EC1834 to verify?

I tried to modify DIP piano on mainboard without success...

Check the behaviour of the dip switches with an ohmmeter.
Do you know the meaning of each switch?

What you are doing with your computer: productive work or museal object?
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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25.03.2010, 13:26 Uhr

I dont have any documentation about DIP switches on EC 1834 Mainboard and on its OPS memory card.

I try to completize EC 1834 as the museal exponat in my collection I have only case, not original keyboard nor monitor. My success is connect another PC XT keyboard (from Czechoslovak Personal computer PP06) and PC VGA color monitor.... I try boot MS DOS 4.00 , Volkov commander and Alley Cat game. All works fine, but I'm limited with 256 K RAM and not working disc/disc controller. For example I try some combinations on HDD controller switches, on standard combinations EC 1834 after memory check hang up - doesnt continue to boot. When I change this combination, sometimes I get message "Fixed disc error"... But disc seems to by OK, I reformatted it on another PC with MFM drive....

Does anybody right meaning switches on OPS , mainboard and on HDD controller?

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25.03.2010, 13:50 Uhr

640kB: DIP1.3 = 0 /DIP1.4 = 1
Die Politik ist ein Versuch der Politiker, zusammen mit dem Volk mit den Problemen fertig zu werden, die das Volk ohne die Politiker niemals gehabt hätte. (Dieter Hildebrandt)
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26.03.2010, 15:20 Uhr
constanze czech

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Perhaps somebody can send him a copy of the EC1834s hardware manual?!

Do you have any pictures of that czechoslovakian PC?
biete 3-Raum-Computer 96m², Dusche, WC, Zentralheizung, Ferritkerngrill...(nicht ganz) ruhige Wohnlage....zum Zeitwert...

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 26.03.2010 um 15:21 Uhr von sebastian czech editiert.
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