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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » PC1715: Software Update: QooltermII » Themenansicht

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27.06.2014, 11:42 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

I'd like to present the update of QoolTermII - VT52 emulator for PC1715.
This is the fist update scince 1999 (YES! In 15 Years! Is not that a world record?)

New: added version to work with serial via IOBYTE, so you may expect it to work on CP/A
Bugfixes: some VT52 codes

Download if from at bottom of page.
Your comments are welcome ;-)
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27.06.2014, 12:30 Uhr

Avatar von Alwin

Thx, test it in few days

other question: the zip of TOS/M (r1715mt) shows a CRC Error while depacking. have Download 10 times again and with different PCs.
...Z1013, KC87, KC85/5, KC Compact, C64
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27.06.2014, 13:03 Uhr

Avatar von holm

>They say that EEPROMs and RAMs are awfull quality because they are Soviet. And we know there was no good Soviet things except tanks, hockey, rockets and education.


Don't know where you read that, but I personally have the opinion that not the RAMS or the EPROMS are to blame, the Problem we have with russian Ics are more related to the simple TTL Chips in PLASTIC packages. Ceramics don't have those problems at all, so The russian DRAMs and EPROMs are good for me. Had some western 4116 in the past that where really to be called poor quality, much more defect ones than K565RU3A for Example.

The very interesting thing is that I've found around 60 bad isoviet TTL Chjips in a GDR Made Logicanalyzer that is younger than my Elektronika E60. In the E60 are only 3 or 4 chips where bad and that where 100% russian Chips and the computer was much older than the logic analyzer which had east german and other eastern chips too..


float R,y=1.5,x,r,A,P,B;int u,h=80,n=80,s;main(c,v)int c;char **v;
(r=A*A)|++u==n&&putchar(*(((--s%h)?(u<n?--u%6:6):7)+"World! \n"))&&
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27.06.2014, 14:45 Uhr
Avatar von Rüdiger

>They say that EEPROMs and RAMs are awfull quality because they are Soviet. And we know there was no good Soviet things except tanks, hockey, rockets and education.

Russian humour is strange...
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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27.06.2014, 14:57 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

>other question: the zip of TOS/M (r1715mt) shows a CRC Error while depacking. have Download 10 times again and with different PCs.

Yes, I've noted that today: few month ago I moved from one hosting to another (two computers standing nearby) and copied all the site via scp. And well, it broke some archives.

I've just fixed that.
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27.06.2014, 15:27 Uhr

Avatar von Alwin

dreadbit schrieb
>other question: the zip of TOS/M (r1715mt) shows a CRC Error while depacking. have Download 10 times again and with different PCs.

Yes, I've noted that today: few month ago I moved from one hosting to another (two computers standing nearby) and copied all the site via scp. And well, it broke some archives.

I've just fixed that.

the untested SCP3 works perfectly.
...Z1013, KC87, KC85/5, KC Compact, C64
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27.06.2014, 15:41 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

dreadbit schrieb
the untested SCP3 works perfectly.

But as I remember the sysgen (or what's there instead of system reconfigurator?) is password protected - more, it is password protected on any TOS/M (or even any 1715M's) system from my site.

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27.06.2014, 16:05 Uhr

Avatar von Alwin

dreadbit schrieb

dreadbit schrieb
the untested SCP3 works perfectly.

But as I remember the sysgen (or what's there instead of system reconfigurator?) is password protected - more, it is password protected on any TOS/M (or even any 1715M's) system from my site.


not tested yet, but i'll test it at monday. my PC1715W is at work, no place at home.
the SCP3 from your site configured parts of 256k memory as RamFloppy(142k memory free on E
the SCP V6 from your site is password protcted.
...Z1013, KC87, KC85/5, KC Compact, C64
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27.06.2014, 16:32 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

Alwin schrieb

dreadbit schrieb
But as I remember the sysgen (or what's there instead of system reconfigurator?) is password protected - more, it is password protected on any TOS/M (or even any 1715M's) system from my site.

not tested yet, but i'll test it at monday. my PC1715W is at work, no place at home.

You have a cool job: when I find some old hardware and bring it into office, my colleagues gives me only a few days to carry it home, or they throw it away ;-)

Alwin schrieb
the SCP3 from your site configured parts of 256k memory as RamFloppy(142k memory free on E

Looks like so

Alwin schrieb
the SCP V6 from your site is password protcted.

What exact file do you mean [tell me the filename]? And what is write protected? Are you talking about system configuration program or smth else? [password protected archive? unlikely]

Anyway, looks like it's a time to take my 1715M from the wardrobe and let it do some work on the next week. So I'll reinspect my old floppies and will try to find some interesting bootable ones (but I'm almost sure I've allready made an images of every interesting; anyway, I'll do dd images)

And test if Qoolterm works there!
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27.06.2014, 17:16 Uhr

Avatar von Alwin

Sorry, the SCP V006 downloaded from another side, and there was a password for sysgen/instscp. but have found files without protection.
...Z1013, KC87, KC85/5, KC Compact, C64
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29.06.2014, 11:00 Uhr

Avatar von Alwin

SCP V006 PC1715
für Änderungen am System per INSTSCP bitte die SCP1715.COM nehmen, da hier kein Passwort abgefragt wird. die CPA1715G.COM geht leider nicht.

Mit meiner Technik kann ich nur DSK erstellen, aber hab das ganze nochmal rückwärts gemacht und die erstellte Disk bootet habe das Programm CPC2XP 2.5 benutzt um die Disk auszulesen(SAMDiskGui von Volkers Homepage wollte die Diskette nicht lesen, aber schreiben auf Disk geht damit).
...Z1013, KC87, KC85/5, KC Compact, C64
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