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Robotrontechnik-Forum » Technische Diskussionen » Zde16 editor for PC1715 » Themenansicht

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16.03.2014, 19:42 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

Hello All,
is there an ZDE16 editor pre-configured for PC1715?

What are yours' editors of choce? WordMaster 1.07f is good, what else?
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16.03.2014, 20:04 Uhr

Avatar von Micha

Hi dreadbit, never heared of ZDE16 so far. Can you explain a little bit more?

I think at the times of the PC1715 almost everybody used WordStar as text processor but also as full-screen text editor of choice.
At that time WordStar was so "sexy",no other software could beat it... simply because it was a perfect match of functionality and the possibilities of these early CP/M machines.
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16.03.2014, 20:19 Uhr


ZDE16 is a very good editor! I have a ZDE16 configured for CP/M on KC85.
If you want try it - send me a message via eMail.
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16.03.2014, 23:02 Uhr

Avatar von dreadbit

Micha, I've used several text editors on CP/M (mostly with VT100 terminal emulator), and found ZDE16 to be one of the best. Here is an article about it -

As for wordstar, even WordMaster is much faster (if to compare WS 4.0 with WM1.07 at least) - and personally I like it more.

maleuma, thanks, got it, hope KC85 version will work fine on PC1715.
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